As you summon other worlds

Group exhibition at Minnesota Street Project featuring large-scale installation, sculpture, photography, textile, video, and digital work by Bay Area artists Carolina Cuevas, Dance Doyle, Claire Dunn, Shao-Feng Hsu, nontoxicvirus (Haoyuan Lu), Charles Lee, Florencia Montefalcone, Trina Michelle Robinson, and Bryan Keith Thomas. Curated by Nunca No (Claire Dunn and Charles Lee), and Meghan Smith.

Art transports. It taps gently on the cracks in our reality until they splinter, falling away in fragments to reveal a world beyond. The artists in as you summon other worlds capture this moment – of crossing boundaries, of peering into alternate universes, of communing with unseen forces – in ways language never fully can.

For Shao-Feng Hsu, body becomes breath becomes bay. Claire Dunn transforms cells into galaxies (or have they always been one and the same)? For Trina Michelle Robinson, here becomes there and everywhere in between. Charles Lee lingers on the delicate borders between interior and exterior, self and world. For Keith Thomas, ancestors were, are, and will always be with us. Dance Doyle’s time warp reveals a moment of metamorphosis. Haoyuan Lu blends past and future into a fluid new aesthetic. Carolina Cuevas bridges time and memory, holding and healing them in tandem. Together, their work conveys moments of transition and transportation while expanding into themes of history, time, ancestry, and material culture. 

For many of us, this question of a portal is not only metaphorical but urgently real. In an age of

relative precarity, where our paths forward feel less and less certain, emerging artists and arts

workers are asking: what’s next? What lies beyond? What might we summon together?

To read our review at 48hills click HERE


Thirdspace (former Eros bath house)